ELK³ — 2021

Andreea Simionel

Andreea Simionel was born in Romania in 1996.


In 2017 she published her first book, Straniera vita (»Strange Life«, Gemma Edizioni). In 2018, she was a semi-finalist for the Italian literary prize Premio Campiello Giovani. Her stories have appeared in various Italian magazines. As part of the literature tandem, her story Addio Sicila (»Goodbye Sicily«) was translated into German by Jonas Linnebank and published in the anthology Literatur Tandem letterario - 2021 (Heimann Foundation). She lives in Turin.

Lütfiye Güzel

Lütfiye Güzel, born in Duisburg in 1972, living between the Ruhr area and Berlin.


She is a poet who has been publishing poems and short prose under her own label go-güzel-publishing since 2014. In 2016, she was writer-in-residence in Cologne-Mühlheim. In 2017, Lütfiye Güzel was awarded the Literature Prize Ruhr.

Mati Shemoelof

Mati Shemoelof, born in 1972, has been living in Berlin for the last decade.


He is a poet, editor, and a writer who has published articles, columns, plays and ten books so far. His first publication in Germany was a bilingual edition of his poems Bagdad | Haifa | Berlin (AphorismA Verlag, 2019, translated by Dr. Jan Kühne). His latest publication is titled Bleiben oder widerstehen: Wem gehört die deutsche Kultur und andere Texte und Gedichte (AphorismA Verlag, 2020). Together with Dr. Hila Amit, he curates the four-day Arab-Jewish festival »The Middle East Union« about a futuristic idea of a Middle East Union. He is married and a father to a girl. https://mati-s.com

Luis Luna

Luis Luna (Madrid, 1975), holds a PhD in Romance Philology.


He is a specialist in the study of displacement, frontier and exile in contemporary poetry, teaches at the Escuela de escritores and manages the collection Fragmentaria at Amargord Ediciones publisher house. He has published several poetry collections in Spain, some in collaboration with illustrators and visual artists, as well as the volume Language rooms (Artepoética Press 2013) in the USA. His poems have been translated into French, Romanian, English, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician, Slovakian, Sanskrit and Arabic. In 2021, a German translation of his poems was published under the title Unwetter (»Thunderstorm« parasitenpresse, translated by Odile Kennel).

Gisela Casimiro

Gisela Casimiro (1984) is a Portuguese writer, artist and activist born in Guinea-Bissau.


She published Erosão (»Erosion«, Edition Urau 2018) and was featured in several anthologies. In recent years she has regularly collaborated with Hoje Macau, Buala and Contemporânea. She was an invited author at several international literary festivals, took part in various plays and has participated in exhibitions at a variety of museums. Casimiro collaborates regularly with theatres, museums, cultural associations and festivals. German translations of her poems can be found in the anthology Wie man ein Wunder löscht. Neue Gedichte aus Portugal (»How to extinguish a miracle«, parasitenpresse 2021), translated and edited by Beatrice Cordier and Laurine Irmer.



Xoşewîst (pronounced: Khoshewist) was born in Hasaka, Syria, in 1987.


His official name is Abdulaziz Ramadan. He studied English Literature, English studies, International Forced Migration, and Parliamentary Affairs and Civil Society at the universities of Damascus, Leipzig, Oxford, and Halle. Xoşewîst is the founder and CEO of DOZ e.V. (DOZ International) and lives in Leipzig. The book Leipzigيّاt (hochroth München 2020) is his debut.

das NARR

Das narrativistische Literaturmagazin publiziert seit 2011 Stimmen, die anderswo noch nicht gehört werden.


Damit bietet es Leser*innen einen Einblick in die Literatur der Zukunft und jungen Schreibenden eine Plattform für erste Schritte im Literaturbetrieb. Das Magazin erscheint drei Mal jährlich, unregelmässig werden sorgfältig gestaltete Sonderprojekte realisiert. Rund 200 Autor*innen haben im Narr publiziert und es zu einem der wichtigsten Schweizer Literaturmagazinen gemacht.

PS - Politisch Schreiben

PS ist eine regelmäßig erscheinende Plattform, die in aktuelle Debatten des Literaturbetriebes eingreift, Strukturen sichtbar macht und im Dunkeln nicht Angst hat.


Politisch Schreiben meint, Fragen nach Zusammenhängen und Abhängigkeiten stellen. Wovon wir ausgehen: Schriftsteller_innen sind nicht neutral. Der Literaturbetrieb ist kein neutrales System. Es bedarf einer Analyse. Wir schonen uns nicht.


Die Lyrik ist im deutschen und im niederländischen Sprachraum vital und vielfältig.


Benannt nach dem Boot mit den drei parallelen Rümpfen, stiftet das zweisprachige und aus drei Ländern angetriebene Magazin Trimaran einen grenz- und sprachübergreifenden Vernetzungsverkehr und präsentiert Begegnungen und wechselseitige Übertragungen von Dichterinnen und Dichtern.